UE : Modeling the complex, extracting network information and marketing
ECTS : 4
Instructors : Yann Moulier-Boutang et Zyed Zalila
E-mail : yann.moulier-boutang@utc.fr / zyed.zalila@utc.fr
Amount of work : Teachings : 39h / Homework : 40h
This teaching aims at renewing our apprehension of the complex, both in the scientific foundations for modeling and exploring it and in the operational methods and tools, in the prospect of enriching the concepts and practices of marketing. We will address the techniques of fuzzy mathematics for modeling and predicting (with a very high number of variables), and techniques for extracting information distributed in the digital networks (data mining, crowdsourcing, digital practices driven design).
To deliver knowledge
- Knowledge of the fundamentals of complex, technology, and market prospecting.
- Knowledge of the concepts, tools and methods for modeling complex systems and predicting their behavior.
- Knowledge of the fundamentals of information processing and marketing technologies
- Knowledge of the fundamentals of fuzzy mathematics.
- Knowledge of the fundamentals in valorizing intangibles from the processing of digital information
To develop capabilities
- Capacity to have a broad and strategic vision as well as a multidisciplinary communication of the geography of information (computer science, marketing, management...) and of upstream and downstream marketing.
- Capacity to give value to databases and to the knowledge extracted from these databases.
- Capacity to carry a scientific, legal and technological watch about the exploitation of data banks and information retrieval on the Internet.
- Capacity to identify the most recent contemporary transformations about advertisement, the use of Internet in the firms, and the business models of e-activities.
- Capacity to continuously improve one's knowledge about marketing and one's ability to model it accurately.
To assure skills
- Skills in identifying and modeling systems and complex situations.
- Skills in validating, assessing and driving programs of promotion, informational watch, and resolution of multidimensional problems.
- Skills in exploiting databases, data which is not or barely structured, and information on the use of the Web given by digital technologies.
- Skills in justifying the validity of a decision process in a complex environment through making explicit a strong tacit knowledge.
- Skills in making decisions through sets of rules in a complex environment, in communicating about legal and ecological questions, about norms of the firms with the stakeholders.
- Schedule grouped on 2 days per week (wednesday and thursday), 3,5 hours of classes, case studies and experimental workshops equiped with digital material, in the morning and the afternoon (computers are necessary).
- Putting into practice the lectures and TM in TD + readings, synthesis and information retrieval (internet), graph analysis and fuzzy modeling.
One individual grade on a written task + one grade for a collective task
Introduction : modeling, exploring and marketing the positive externalities of the pollen firm
A - Fuzzy mathematics for modeling and predicting the complex
1. Paradigm and operators
2. How to think and calculate fuzzy
3. Applications
4. Assessing and predicting
5. Experimenting with the tool Xtractis & conclusion
B - Geography of information and Data Mining for exploring the complex
Introduction : Geography of information & Network sciences
1. Data exploratory analysis : acquire & explore
2. Data exploratory analysis : explore & present
3. Data exploratory analysis : putting into practice
Ending session : multitude sourcing & modeling the complex